True Ghost Stories by Lifting Spirits Tours.
Pushed To Provoking
One night at Sachs Bridge, we were investigating by the field hospital known as the John Socks home. A fellow investigator that we had met was asking questions and attempting to get some signs of activity with his EMF detector. Until his patience ran thin, and he decided that he was going to provoke the spirits with anger. The man ended up telling the Confederate Soldiers that the north won the war, and that all of the Confederates died for nothing, and then proceeded to ask them how that made them feel. And not two seconds after he said that, a large fifty foot dead tree fell to the ground, less than forty feet away from where we were standing! Although, there is just one detail that I have yet to mention. The tree that had fallen, had already started to fall over three months ago, and it was suspended in the air by two other smaller diameter trees. And I had said before that it looked like it could be pushed over, and should be to prevent the hazard of it being there where it could fall on someone. None the less the timing of that tree falling, in relation to the mans comment was much more than a coincidence to me, and best believe that the man provoking the spirits did not have coincidence on his mind either. Any how you can't say for certain if the spirits actually pushed the tree down, but it was, awfully convincing. LSPS
I Always Feel Like, Someone is Watching me
One night at Sachs Bridge, a certain someone who's name I will not divulge, had to use the restroom. And if you have ever been to Sachs Bridge, you would know that there are no restrooms for a few miles. However, there are a fair amount of woods, which is entirely up to the individual as to weather or not they would like to risk relieving themselves in an extremely haunted place. lol. So as you could guess, mother nature got the best of her and she decided to risk it in the woods. Have you ever experienced a paranormal feeling of being covered in cob webs when spirit is near? Well this girl did! As soon as she began to feel like she was mysteriously covered in cob webs she hurried up REAL quick, and ran back to the bridge still covered in cob webs. And the creepiest part of it all, is when she got back to the bridge, she felt the full shape of a more cob web covered hand than ever, grab on to her arm, and slowly spin around it. LSPS
Luke 10:19-20 Is to read before this at the bottom of the page.
One night at Sachs Bridge, Me, my Wife, and my Mother did nothing but pray for the residual souls to go towards the light, and be with God and there family. And that they don't have to keep fighting any more because the war is over. So after a peaceful, yet powerful night at the Bridge, as we were leaving, we said as we always do, that "in Jesus Name no spirits are welcome to follow us, Amen". And instantaneously the Bridge let out this big moan, as if someone had parked a semi on it! And we all looked at each other, and said, did you hear that? And to make it even better a former co-worker had apparently showed up at the Bridge, just after we left. lol. And when he got there, he stood on the Bridge, snapped one picture, and said "How you guys doing tonight." As soon as the words came out of his mouth the Bridge MOANED AGAIN! And he went running for his truck, fumbling with his keys in the door lock, and speeding out of there in his truck! When he looked back at the Bridge, he said that he saw a big flash of light! Now, I didn't see a flash of light, but he claims that he did. LSPS
This appears to be The Right Hand of God grasping the enemy! If so, God is allowing us to capture this on camera because He wants the world to see that our Heavenly Father is the Almighty! Rev 11:17 "We give You thanks O Lord God
The One who is,and who was, and who is to come"
"Because You have taken Your Great
Power and reigned,"
Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 "Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven."